pseudo = quasi - government joint tenancy ==ans survivorship and TTIP what is MARIA? what isNo Darn Fool Around?? what is DUST?? what is PITI? what is PEWS what is HVAC the following is used LAND [inside lease: lengthOfTime + AmtOfRent +NameOfParties + DesciptionOfProperty] DEC = Disclose, Election, Confirm =Agency Disclosures in Real Estate Transactions PETE = Police power, Eminent Domain, Tax, Escheat PANCHO = 6 requirement for Adverse Possession = Possession, Adverse, Notorious, Continuous, Hostile, Open PEPS = 4 forces influence value = Physical, Economic, Political, Social ideals and standards ADAM E LEE = 8 ways to terminate Easement Abandonment Destruction Adverse Possession Merger, Express agreement Lawsuit Estoppel Excessive Use COALD = 5 duties agent owe to Principal = Care Obedience Accounting Loyalty Disclosure TIMMUR (Fixed and variable operating expenses) Tax Insurnace Managemt Maintenance Utility, Reserve UPTEE (5 ownership right Bundle of Rights) Use Possess Transfer Encumber Enjoy WASTO (5 ways to acquire / convey property) Will Accession Succession Transfer Occupancy for memory purpose and easy to communicate:what isTD (deed of Trust) , TIC (Tenancy in Common), JT (Joint tenancy), TIP (Tenancy in Partnership) CP (Community Property) SP Separate PropertyNofCompletion (Notice of Completion) NofNR (Notice of Non-Responsibility) NofDefault (Notice of Default) ==UDA (Unlawful Detainer Action) S&T [Section and township] L&B [Lot and block] M&B [metes and bounds] 4yrs [estate for years] P2P [estate period to period] @will [estate at will] @sufferance [estate at sufferance] R-value (resistance) ========= MORE IN-DEPTH FOR APPRAISER: EOA ExtraOrdinary Assumption [lack of fact benefit cos with fact, price drop assumed] HC Hypothecatical Condition ; |
Actual eviction = UDA
Constructive eviction =
1.Condemnation of the entire property in eminent domain proceedings;
2. An eviction notice tendered by the landlord;
3. Unwarranted delays by the landlord, after notice to make repairs of damages that have made the property unfit for occupancy.
not == Failure of the landlord to repair excessive wear and tear to property caused by the tenant;
Constructive eviction =
1.Condemnation of the entire property in eminent domain proceedings;
2. An eviction notice tendered by the landlord;
3. Unwarranted delays by the landlord, after notice to make repairs of damages that have made the property unfit for occupancy.
not == Failure of the landlord to repair excessive wear and tear to property caused by the tenant;