Scenario 1:
Panel’s Comment: Claimed to speak both Mandarin and Cantonese, Francis actually spoke only Cantonese. Francis had a great deficit in Mandarin with poor pronunciation and incorrect tone. In addition, Francis only scored 3 points out of 20 on the medical vocabulary. Lastly, his frequent request for repetition on the short sentence interpretations led the panel to question his basic listening and comprehension skills as a medical interpreter. At this time, the panel concurs that Francis shall be dismissed from CPMC until he has proven improvement in medical vocabulary, listening and comprehension skills.
Do you want to know how Francis interview for the CCSF interpreter's division?
Call 415.517.1034 or email [email protected] if you want to know how Francis got hired in SFMH and AHS?
Who study for 5 years and got passed in July 2010 with score 68, 64 and 68 a month precedent to the passing day?
Who study 4 hours for nearly 3 months inside an automobile every evening and finally got passed in Aug 18, 2009?
never quit.
Panel’s Comment: Claimed to speak both Mandarin and Cantonese, Francis actually spoke only Cantonese. Francis had a great deficit in Mandarin with poor pronunciation and incorrect tone. In addition, Francis only scored 3 points out of 20 on the medical vocabulary. Lastly, his frequent request for repetition on the short sentence interpretations led the panel to question his basic listening and comprehension skills as a medical interpreter. At this time, the panel concurs that Francis shall be dismissed from CPMC until he has proven improvement in medical vocabulary, listening and comprehension skills.
Do you want to know how Francis interview for the CCSF interpreter's division?
Call 415.517.1034 or email [email protected] if you want to know how Francis got hired in SFMH and AHS?
Who study for 5 years and got passed in July 2010 with score 68, 64 and 68 a month precedent to the passing day?
Who study 4 hours for nearly 3 months inside an automobile every evening and finally got passed in Aug 18, 2009?
never quit.
Call me 415.517.1034 if any question
Malcom Duncan from Alta Bates Berkeley
History of ECT
Tips for interviewing Interpreter dated 05-15-2010 CPMC
0 be ready that you sign a document of undisclosing exam questions out [CCSF did the same so as to make it serious] 1. 4 modes : Conduit, Clarifier, Cultural Broker, Advocate Actually is consecutive, simultaneous, sight translate, summarization 2. Death: we dont' say "dealth" but "pass away, Guo Sun" obsess: we dont' say "fat" but we say "over weight!" 3. Do you know the following: renal graft, schnonprenic, cirhossis, metasis, tarchycardia, tricuspid valve, ventricular fibulaiton, sickle cell anemia alpha-fetoprotein a-fetoprotein AFP, 4 a for every meal, u take 45 gram cabohydrate, 40 oz protein, 1 table spoon of fat, 1-2 cup of vegetable and make sure u split out all ..[what does this mean in context really?] 4 b please ask the patient if he has the following symptons: fever headarch, nausea, sudden weight drop, skin infection, diarrhea 4c mr so your strok has affected your right brain and speech and swallowing, you should take nectar thick liquid and soft food diet 4d pleas ask patient any metal implantation, pacemaker, hearing aid, contact len 5 "wu know fan cheung" TERMINOLOGY:
cyst blister wart turmor ABBREVIATION: CVS chorionic villis sampling OBGYN Obstetrics, Gynecology CAT scan computed tomography MRI Magnetic resonance imaging |