Years10 years = Judgement
5 years = Title recovery 4 years = Contract 3 years = Fraud 2 years = Oral DEPRECIATION minimum 27.5 years (straight-method) = residential home and appartments property minimum 39 years (straight-method) = commercial improvements 5 years later = if property not redeemed, delin proeprty i s deeded to state [book sale = delinquent TAX sale on or before 6/8 county tax collector published list of tax deling property] 3 years to Act = Enroachment 1 year effective =RE commissioner' PRELIM title report 5 year effective = RE Commissioner's FINAL title rept 3 years ==documents must be kept by the real estate broker. 4 years ==documents used in loan transactions or real property security transactions are kept 3 years == keep copy of employement contract of licensee |
Days3 days = Notice of Default before filing eviction 5 days = prior to Trustee Sales, re-instatement allowing period 10 days (within) = Truth in Lending, lender has to give estimate to buyer 10 days = all assignments of real property sales contracts negotiated by a real estate licensee must be recorded with the county recorder's office within: 14 days = in land project you can rescind A Buyer in a Land Project has fourteen (14) days to rescind his purchase. 14 days = publication of Bill of Sale 30 days = proration, prorate 111 days = 30 days x 3 month after Notice of Default + 3x7 days (21days) after giving Notice of Trustee Sales [foreclosure shortest time) MECHANIC LIEN 30 days = sub Contractor, with Notice of Completion 60 days = Contractor, with Notice of Completion 90 days = sub Contractor & CONTRACTOR, WITHOUT Notice of Completion 3 days notice + 5 days to remove tenants [after writ of possession by sheriff] 45 days of change = "change of ownership statement" must filed with assessor, property is assessed each time it is sold at 100% of selling price [or higher market value whichever higher] |