"torn down than fall down" ==> from economic life is shorter than physical life...
Cool words:
"It is personal" "It is you and me. Trust me. You are not alone" (make people feel trusted and comfort)
"you are everything for her. She is not going to leave you"
Cool words:
"It is personal" "It is you and me. Trust me. You are not alone" (make people feel trusted and comfort)
"you are everything for her. She is not going to leave you"
for appraiser
1. In order to maintain compliance with USPAP, == CARL-- Choice, Agreement, Regulation, Law
2 ETHICS RULE is divided into four sections ==MCC&R -- Conduct, Management, Confidentiality, and Record Keeping. 3 |
for broker
1. MARIA - determine fixture
2. D.U.S.T - determine value: demand, utility, scarcity, transferability 3. L.A.N.D - lease content lease term, amount, no. of years, description 4. entrepreneur - capital, labor, land + coordination - 4 elements of productions 5. no darn fool around - nov 1, dec 10, feb 1, april 10 |
absorption analysis == " who sell fast de analyis"
dont' 潑冷水
abrigo labio guante cara delantal rodilla cuchillo dedo secador pelo oscuros lente chofer sombrero rompiste cortar cepiller traje dentadura abuelito postiza |
5/4/11 range of motion, schneoprenia, cognitive theory, embezzlement, externality, imputed rule, actual and constructive, prima facie,
5/1/11 阻擋可能心動的理由 and I should 從來也不覺得錯
4/30/11 王寶釧
徐佳瑩 身騎白馬 完整版MV 詞:徐佳瑩 曲:徐佳瑩 蘇通達 製作:蘇通達
11/25/2010 doorbuster! so invent our own BLOCKBUSTER, FILI-BUSTER, GHOST BUSTER
10/24/10 mantissa
The decimal part of a logarithm. In the logarithm 2.95424, the mantissa is 0.95424. [Latin, makeweight, perhaps of Etruscan origin.] mantissa [mænˈtɪsə] ...
A concession is a business operated under a contract or license associated with a degree of exclusivity in business within a certain geographical area. For example, sports arenas or public parks may have concession stands. Many department stores contain numerous concessions operated by other retailers. Similarly, public services such as water supply may be operated as concessions.
The owner of the concession — the concessionaire — pays either a fixed sum or a percentage of revenue to the entity with the ability to assign exclusive rights for an area or facility. A concession may involve the transfer to the concessionaire of the right to use some existing infrastructure required to carry out a business (such as a water supply system in a city); in some cases, such as mining, it may involve merely the transfer of exclusive or non-exclusive easements.
2/8/2011Affidavit is word that hails directly from the Latin meaning “to pledge their faith under knowledge of the law”.
10/22/10 Is $250 ok to sell tonight? $200 if they hem and haw??
10/21/10 unless otherwise specified
inasmuch as
ward of court
in regards to
under ground of
aggreived party
time is of the essence
prima facie evidence
5/1/11 阻擋可能心動的理由 and I should 從來也不覺得錯
4/30/11 王寶釧
徐佳瑩 身騎白馬 完整版MV 詞:徐佳瑩 曲:徐佳瑩 蘇通達 製作:蘇通達
11/25/2010 doorbuster! so invent our own BLOCKBUSTER, FILI-BUSTER, GHOST BUSTER
10/24/10 mantissa
The decimal part of a logarithm. In the logarithm 2.95424, the mantissa is 0.95424. [Latin, makeweight, perhaps of Etruscan origin.] mantissa [mænˈtɪsə] ...
A concession is a business operated under a contract or license associated with a degree of exclusivity in business within a certain geographical area. For example, sports arenas or public parks may have concession stands. Many department stores contain numerous concessions operated by other retailers. Similarly, public services such as water supply may be operated as concessions.
The owner of the concession — the concessionaire — pays either a fixed sum or a percentage of revenue to the entity with the ability to assign exclusive rights for an area or facility. A concession may involve the transfer to the concessionaire of the right to use some existing infrastructure required to carry out a business (such as a water supply system in a city); in some cases, such as mining, it may involve merely the transfer of exclusive or non-exclusive easements.
2/8/2011Affidavit is word that hails directly from the Latin meaning “to pledge their faith under knowledge of the law”.
10/22/10 Is $250 ok to sell tonight? $200 if they hem and haw??
10/21/10 unless otherwise specified
inasmuch as
ward of court
in regards to
under ground of
aggreived party
time is of the essence
prima facie evidence
10/22/10 if hesitating!!
The expression 'inasmuch as' means 'in view of the fact that'.
Ward of the Court If you are a ward of the court, it means that you have no parents or another person who is financially responsible for you and the court has assumed custody
Prima facie (pronounced /ˈpriːmə ˈfæsiːa/, from Latin prīmā faciē) is a Latin expression meaning on its first appearance, or at first sight. The literal translation would be "at first face", prima first, facie face, both in the ablative case. It is used in modern legal English to signify that on first examination, a matter appears to be self-evident from the facts. In common law jurisdictions, prima facie denotes evidence which – unless rebutted – would be sufficient to prove a particular proposition or fact. The term is used similarly in academic philosophy.
The expression 'inasmuch as' means 'in view of the fact that'.
Ward of the Court If you are a ward of the court, it means that you have no parents or another person who is financially responsible for you and the court has assumed custody
Prima facie (pronounced /ˈpriːmə ˈfæsiːa/, from Latin prīmā faciē) is a Latin expression meaning on its first appearance, or at first sight. The literal translation would be "at first face", prima first, facie face, both in the ablative case. It is used in modern legal English to signify that on first examination, a matter appears to be self-evident from the facts. In common law jurisdictions, prima facie denotes evidence which – unless rebutted – would be sufficient to prove a particular proposition or fact. The term is used similarly in academic philosophy.
CASI (nearly)
DE miedo al hablar (of fear to talk) |