If you imaginatively understand how these newly created by internet/ textmessager, then you should be one of them too:
POS Parent Over Shoulder, PIR Parent In Room, BRB Be Right Back, TTFN Ta Ta For Now, KOTL kiss on your lip, OSF Oh Shot I forget, RUMOF are you male or female?, IMNWY I am nothing without you.
truancy -- absence to school including late,
likewise: NPO is no food by mouth, ADA against Doctor advice, AD advance directive,
POS Parent Over Shoulder, PIR Parent In Room, BRB Be Right Back, TTFN Ta Ta For Now, KOTL kiss on your lip, OSF Oh Shot I forget, RUMOF are you male or female?, IMNWY I am nothing without you.
truancy -- absence to school including late,
likewise: NPO is no food by mouth, ADA against Doctor advice, AD advance directive,