Beginner |
Advance |
Holographic; Adverse Possession; Intestate; economicLife;
Easement; Emblement; Prescription; JT-TIC-TIP;
Recording; Acknowledge; permit; license; variance;
Encroachment; Easement; EasementInGross; Attachment; Lien; Subdivision; PropertyTax; Proposition 13; Prop 60;
Downzoning; Homestead; physicalLife; EffectiveLife; colorOfTitle; cloudOfTitle; chainOfTitle;
Condition Precedent; Condition Subsequent;
Ostensible; Implied-Express; trustorTrusteeBene;
Estoppel; Ratification; TrusteeSaleProceed; mortgagor; mortgagee;
Exclusive Agency; Exclusive Right2 Sell; Open List;
Net Listing; Commissioner; Water; Trash; S&T; L&B; M&B;
Procuring & Safety; TDS; Conversion; Commingling;
Agency; Company$; Littoral; Riparian; lawsuit; mortgage Loan Statement;
condition Qualified; Defeasible; promissoryNote; rescind; binding;
ED; Tax; PolicePower; Escheat; HighestBestUse; Eviction Chart; MapAct ; LandLaw; boot; 1031;
original Cost + expenses; concurrent; severalty; 4.5 vesting; remodeling question; Notice Of Non Responsibility;
trustor Trustee Bene; inverse ED; multiplier; Allnote; amortization; holder in due course; straight note; accleration; alienation; assumption; 3A; due on sale; due on encumb; 3typeLien; prepayment / or more; construction =interim vs takeout=longterm; impound; recuring; PITI; [assumption vs subject2]; [refi = rateNterm]; equal credit opp ; alimony;
ALTD=WrapAround; landContract=SaleContract; td; 111; cofi LIBOR; margin index cap; negotiable inst; promissory note quiz; dorminant vs servient; leased fee vs leasehold; [phy funct econ] ; deteriorate = obsolo; conformity; commercial acre
effective Economic Actual; income app Chart; 4 gov RE; narrative vs short; cost = repro=replace; mk=comparison;
[concurrent vs severalty];
Easement; Emblement; Prescription; JT-TIC-TIP;
Recording; Acknowledge; permit; license; variance;
Encroachment; Easement; EasementInGross; Attachment; Lien; Subdivision; PropertyTax; Proposition 13; Prop 60;
Downzoning; Homestead; physicalLife; EffectiveLife; colorOfTitle; cloudOfTitle; chainOfTitle;
Condition Precedent; Condition Subsequent;
Ostensible; Implied-Express; trustorTrusteeBene;
Estoppel; Ratification; TrusteeSaleProceed; mortgagor; mortgagee;
Exclusive Agency; Exclusive Right2 Sell; Open List;
Net Listing; Commissioner; Water; Trash; S&T; L&B; M&B;
Procuring & Safety; TDS; Conversion; Commingling;
Agency; Company$; Littoral; Riparian; lawsuit; mortgage Loan Statement;
condition Qualified; Defeasible; promissoryNote; rescind; binding;
ED; Tax; PolicePower; Escheat; HighestBestUse; Eviction Chart; MapAct ; LandLaw; boot; 1031;
original Cost + expenses; concurrent; severalty; 4.5 vesting; remodeling question; Notice Of Non Responsibility;
trustor Trustee Bene; inverse ED; multiplier; Allnote; amortization; holder in due course; straight note; accleration; alienation; assumption; 3A; due on sale; due on encumb; 3typeLien; prepayment / or more; construction =interim vs takeout=longterm; impound; recuring; PITI; [assumption vs subject2]; [refi = rateNterm]; equal credit opp ; alimony;
ALTD=WrapAround; landContract=SaleContract; td; 111; cofi LIBOR; margin index cap; negotiable inst; promissory note quiz; dorminant vs servient; leased fee vs leasehold; [phy funct econ] ; deteriorate = obsolo; conformity; commercial acre
effective Economic Actual; income app Chart; 4 gov RE; narrative vs short; cost = repro=replace; mk=comparison;
[concurrent vs severalty];
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Abbreviation |
Debit Credit;
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Emotion drive myself to pass RE, How can student do better? Clinton speech to help others, living day to day, choice to circumstance, how to respond eveyday; In essence if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions [studying and revising the questions and memorizing the answer for the real estate licensing]. it is not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently Tony Robbins 1. write down 30%, engage into RE lesson 80%; 2. Be a Kid, Activate with Body, learn RE differently; Improve your Change; Desire; Give him Applaud; Feeling make you alive; We create our own feeling; 3Emotion is what you are after; The way u move determine your mood; u change yourbody move, u feel differently; 4. Loud, Fast, Greet Nicely 5 seconds; Information without Motion is not a change; How u think is going to make u how u feel! ... |
5. Use your body and focus on; change the way u move > change the way u feel; Pull is more powerful than Push; Exercise Hard to build Muscle, not light; If u don't use Courage, then it weaker; Sound change the way we feel but it is culture tell us "quiet"; Emotion is created by Motion; 6.The difference how people perform is not based on ability; What I can do is amazing; What I will do is disappointing; [how to master their own STATE], 80% mindset, emotion; 20% mechanics; succeed is based on state; Physiology->State->Behavior; 7. focus equal feeling; Decison change your life; REAL decison take Action; Where Focus go, Energy Go; The meaning I give to it, What I am going to focus on?; 8 focus on where u want to go, Keep doing the right thing [when u do right, momentum don't take u immediately]; a what are u focusing on? b what does it mean? c what am I going to do? 9. change my state ->change other; nice guy + shitty state = mean person; |