appraiser may use any other label ?? self contained / summary app/ restricted use apap report == in addition to but NOT IN PLACE OF
according to standard 2-2abc which statement == client wishes to ANONYMOUS? == OMIT clients name from report but document identity of workfile
in app report sufficient info regard scope of work == research and analyses NOT PERFORMED
when any portion of work involves significant RE app assistance , app must ? extent of that assistance when using SELF CONTAINED APP REPORT === DESCRIBE
? of report determines compliance with reporting options permitted by standard 2 === THE SUBSTANT CONTENT
standard rule 2-1 requires app report contain? to enable Iusers to understand report properly === suff info
2-2 b address == summary appp report
when there are intended users in assignment other than client / self contained / summary app reporting option == mUST BE USED
APP desceibe / summarize reasoning that support analysis opinion conclusion in which report ? === self contained and summary app
which reporting options require summary of results of analysing subject sale, options, listing in mkt value assignement === all reporting options
all reporting options require app to clearly and conspicouously state all EA extraordinary assumptions and HC hypothetical conditons and state == their use might have affected the assignement results
app who? must signn the certification === sign any part of app report include LofT
app sign cert == accept
when ? in app assignment, app sign a cert accepting resp ONLY FOR the elements of the cert == multiple discipliens
app has agreed to physically inspect but no..=== misleading
if app has concluded self contained app report is warranted in assignment and state scope of work that was performed, resulting report w=== restricted use app report
must remember == SELF CONTAINED == CD describe / summary app report == summary for sure/ restricted use app report == state -- strict
eg of describe: B-4 zoning = yard and bulk regulation = bank / house of worship / public building / service est / sit down rest service patron on premise / retail store
special permit use = business and professional office / manufacturing of good sold on premise / medical clinic / multifamily dwelling excess 12,000 sq feet / take out rest excess 25,000 sq ft
eg of describe: yard and bulk regulation = lot area 10,000 sq ft / lot width 100 ft/ front yard 20 ft/ side yard 10 ft/ rear yard 10 ft
eg of state: general business , B-4, existing use and subject improvement conform
eg of summarize: the ...and indicate conform
restricted use == only Iuser
self contained / summary app report == must be used when Iusers OTHER THAN client
essential diff == content and level of detail of info reported
WHAT IS ADMONISHMENT? additional admonishment specific to restricted use app report
restricted use app report == lcient use only == before agreed, make sure client understand the restricted utitlty == not requirement to state opinon of value [like cash / fianancing terms/ mon mkt financing with unusual conditions]
property interest / type of value / effective date ==2-2
describe / summarize /state the scope of work
according to standard 2-2abc which statement == client wishes to ANONYMOUS? == OMIT clients name from report but document identity of workfile
in app report sufficient info regard scope of work == research and analyses NOT PERFORMED
when any portion of work involves significant RE app assistance , app must ? extent of that assistance when using SELF CONTAINED APP REPORT === DESCRIBE
? of report determines compliance with reporting options permitted by standard 2 === THE SUBSTANT CONTENT
standard rule 2-1 requires app report contain? to enable Iusers to understand report properly === suff info
2-2 b address == summary appp report
when there are intended users in assignment other than client / self contained / summary app reporting option == mUST BE USED
APP desceibe / summarize reasoning that support analysis opinion conclusion in which report ? === self contained and summary app
which reporting options require summary of results of analysing subject sale, options, listing in mkt value assignement === all reporting options
all reporting options require app to clearly and conspicouously state all EA extraordinary assumptions and HC hypothetical conditons and state == their use might have affected the assignement results
app who? must signn the certification === sign any part of app report include LofT
app sign cert == accept
when ? in app assignment, app sign a cert accepting resp ONLY FOR the elements of the cert == multiple discipliens
app has agreed to physically inspect but no..=== misleading
if app has concluded self contained app report is warranted in assignment and state scope of work that was performed, resulting report w=== restricted use app report
must remember == SELF CONTAINED == CD describe / summary app report == summary for sure/ restricted use app report == state -- strict
eg of describe: B-4 zoning = yard and bulk regulation = bank / house of worship / public building / service est / sit down rest service patron on premise / retail store
special permit use = business and professional office / manufacturing of good sold on premise / medical clinic / multifamily dwelling excess 12,000 sq feet / take out rest excess 25,000 sq ft
eg of describe: yard and bulk regulation = lot area 10,000 sq ft / lot width 100 ft/ front yard 20 ft/ side yard 10 ft/ rear yard 10 ft
eg of state: general business , B-4, existing use and subject improvement conform
eg of summarize: the ...and indicate conform
restricted use == only Iuser
self contained / summary app report == must be used when Iusers OTHER THAN client
essential diff == content and level of detail of info reported
WHAT IS ADMONISHMENT? additional admonishment specific to restricted use app report
restricted use app report == lcient use only == before agreed, make sure client understand the restricted utitlty == not requirement to state opinon of value [like cash / fianancing terms/ mon mkt financing with unusual conditions]
property interest / type of value / effective date ==2-2
describe / summarize /state the scope of work