Cap Rate is Perfect, 3 more years to lease, Flexible Building Owner is motivated to coopperate and negotiate terms for the lease, Restauranteur is owner-absentee type and/or creative for INDIAN, SPANISH, BRAZIL, BUFFET, TAKE-OUT.....
Begin a restaurant, Limited Capital, New fixtures, Clients are ex-eaters
FAST to deliver to client and cash out
FIXTURE will become bad, labor will de-moralise and de-motivated
Frank to yourself in fast food, flexible
FOCUS dealing with selling S and Simple dish
FAST to deliver to client and cash out
FIXTURE will become bad, labor will de-moralise and de-motivated
Frank to yourself in fast food, flexible
FOCUS dealing with selling S and Simple dish
5 years, what is the BEST PART, inventory? experience in clientete?
Cut down expenses in kitchen?
Clientete name and address with Gigi who pay regularly
Clientete name and address with Gigi who pay regularly