Make the choice to file a lien. When less potent means are out of the question, filing a lien may be what you need to do to get the money you're owed. f the debtor won't respond to your attempts to contact him or her, and won't respond to a debt collection agency, don't wait too long to file a lien. The process for filing a lien is different in every state, and if you file it the wrong way, it won't be valid. Contact your county clerk or speak with an experienced attorney in your state to learn about the proper procedure where you live. There are a few different types of liens you can file (though they may have different names depending on your state):
Give preliminary notice. Because a lien is such a powerful tool, in most states you'll need to notify the debtor that you will file a lien if he or she doesn't pay up. This is usually given within the first few weeks of beginning the contract work, before the question of payment has become a problem. In some cases you may want to write the lien potential into your initial contract, which serves as the notice.
Write or fill out the lien. A lien is usually a one-page document with information on both the creditor and the debtor. Contact your county clerk to determine whether there is a specific form you must fill out. In some cases you may need to draw up a lien on your own or with the help of a lawyer to make sure it contains all the required information.[4]
File the lien within a specific number of days from the completion of the work.Most states require that the lien be filed within a few months of the work's completion. For this reason, it's important to discuss payment options right away. If you wait too long, you may no longer be eligible to file a lien. Once the lien has been filed, a copy will be sent to the debtor.
Title: NOTICE OF BULK SALE Category: Notice of Bulk Sale San Fran Adnumber: 2255830 (subject to Com. C. 6106.2) The following definitions and designations shall apply in this Notice without regard to number or gender: SELLER: Edibles 435, LLC, 312 West Portal Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94127. BUYER: Suhel Preet Singh and Nidhi R. Khurana or Assignee, 312 West Portal Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94127 BUSINESS: EDIBLE ARRANGEMENTS #435, 312 West Portal Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94127 DATE OF CONSUMMATION: April 9, 2014; LAST DAY TO FILE CLAIMS: April 8, 2014 ESCROW HOLDER: WILLIAM H. DUNN, Attorney at Law, 1350 Dell Avenue, Suite 204, Campbell, CA 95008 Notice is hereby given that Seller intends to make a bulk sale of the assets of the above described Business to Buyer including all stock in trade, furniture, and equipment used in said Business, to be consummated at the office of the Escrow Holder at the time of consummation or thereafter. Creditors of the Seller may file claims with the Escrow Holder on or before the last day to file claims stated above. This sale is subject to California Commercial Code 6106.2. Seller has used the following other business names and addresses within the last three years so far as known to Buyer: None Suhel Preet Singh and Nidhi R. Khurana BY: WILLIAM H. DUNN, Agent for Buyer No. 2255830 Mar 24 1t-R Read more: http://www.therecorder.com/public-notices?&end=30#ixzz2wvE23eNc 1, if u ask him to pay for your meal, then he/she will leave or give u excuses
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