1, remember to resolve color outcoming instead of black and white even the wire is partially correct: ANSWER: PR/Pc and not necessary the only VCR or S-channel or /chrome 2, To resolve SPEAKER no sound: ANSWER: Try CENTER instead of front or rear even it allows stereo and sometimes both speakers has to be connected only from one CENTER. HOW TO SOLVE THIS ONLY FROM THE SAME CENTER ISSUE SOURCE OF SIGNAL? 3, To resolve remote control jack and no red light: ANSWER: Search carefully the side jack female because after asking owner of the machine :"are these three audio equipments have been connected before ? or are these bought separately? " then technician can figure it out whether the jack female is present certainly because all three audio equipments HAVE BEEN TOGETHER before. 4, To Resolve square battery for remote control: ANSWER: buy later but fast and efficiently communication is essential REMEMBER pray before you do anything, GOD DECIDE WHETHER IT WILL BE SUCCESSFUL OR NOT. 16:33 The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord. 21:31 The horse is made ready for the day of battle,
but victory rests with the Lord. |
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