A liability that a company incurs before filing for bankruptcy protection. Most prepetition liabilities are reduced or discharged in bankruptcy proceedings; the person or company to whom a prepetition liability is due should not expect to receive the full value of the liability unless it is secured by some asset. A prepetition liability contrasts with a postpetition liability, which usually must be paid in full.
Inter Alia
[Latin, Among other things.] A phrase used in Pleading to designate that a particular statute set out therein is only a part of the statute that is relevant to the facts of the lawsuit and not the entire statute.Inter alia is also used when reporting court decisions to indicate that there were other rulings made by the court but only a particular holding of the case is cited. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) protects the retirement assets of Americans by implementing rules that qualified plans must follow to ensure that plan fiduciaries do not misuse plan assets.
a method of payment for group insurance coverage in which part of the premium is paid by the employee and part is paid by the employer or ...
Per StirpesPer stirpes is the Latin term that literally means “by the roots.” If an estate is distributed per stirpes, each living member of a group of beneficiaries closest to the person making the distribution will receive an equal share of the estate.However, if one of the beneficiaries predeceases the person making the distribution, that beneficiary’s descendants will take by representation the share of the estate to which their parent would have been entitled.By way of illustration, let’s assume:Jack had three children, Adam, Bill, and Carl
Adam has two children, David and Evan Bill has one child, Frank, and Carl has three children, Grant, Henry and Ian. In his will, Jack specifies that his estate is to be distributed to his children, per stirpes.If Jack is survived by Adam, Bill, and Carl, each of his children would be entitled to 1/3 of his estate.However, if Adam predeceases Jack, Bill and Carl will each be entitled to 1/3 of Jack’s estate, and Adam’s share will be divided equally between his children, David and Evan. Frank’s other grandchildren would not be entitled to any portion of the estate.Per CapitaPer capita is a Latin term that literally means “by the head.” If an estate is distributed per capita, all the living members of an identified group will receive an equal share of the decedent’s estate.However, if a member of the identified group predeceases the decedent, then his or her share would pass to the other members of the group rather than to his descendants.Using the same illustration as we did earlier, if Jack’s will specifies that his estate is to be distributed to his children, per capita, and all his children survive him, then the result will remain the same – each of his children would be entitled to 1/3 of Jack’s estate.However, if Adam predeceases Jack, then Adam’s share would be split between Bill and Carl, with each of them receiving a ½ share. None of the grandchildren would be entitled to any part of the estate. Incontestability Provision A life insurance and annuity policy provision which states that after the policy has been in force for a specified period of time (usually two years), the company cannot rescind or deny a claim based on a material misrepresentation in the application.
Even if there is no illegal intent, it is unethical to delay or withhold premium payments. In many states, it is illegal to combine premium monies with personal funds and rarely would it be ethical to do so, whether or not such a specific law
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